So today's class was very straight forward, we were given a lab to do related to Hooke's Law. We had to find the relationship between the extension in an elastic spring and the applied force. The materials that were needed for the apparatus were a stand, ring clamp, elastic metal spring, and a meter stick. We had to attach the spring to the ring clamp and adjust the spring so the lower end is on the zero point of the meter stick, or at a constant spot during the observations. Then we had to make a chart similar to the one on the paper like so:
Then we had to hang mass on the spring, and record the extension of the spring. We had to repeat the previous step for each of the mass given. Then we had to plot the graph (question 6 on the paper) and answer questions 7-11.
Don't forget to answer the Practice questions 1-5 shown on the back of the lab paper. The answers are given just show your work and how you got those answers.
Make sure to hand in yesterday Wind-up Toy Lab that was due today.
Today's lab 10.1: Hooke's Law is due TOMORROW!
No school Tuesday (Remembrance Day) ,
TEST on Wednesday so.. STUDY PEOPLE!
That's all for today's class,
your next scribe is christine d.
Bye :)
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