Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 Days to Go

As the days passes on the more we are press on time to complete everything for school and getting every thing out of the way for the upcoming exams. For today's class we went old school and went over the worksheet with the magnet and the coil of wire. Remember the charge of the coil at the end where the magnet enters or come out of is the opposite of what you think.


Then after we went over some questions on a different worksheet with ratios of voltage and coils. Finally for review for tomorrow's test and Monday's exam do questions 44- to the last last question on the exam review and good luck every one!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Again, no one seemed to scribe so I guess I'll do it.

Today, Ms. Kozoriz found out that for the last two days we
technically didn't learn anything new, since we did Sudoku with one sub and just went over answers with another.

So, Ms. K popped in a DVD so that we could learn more about how magnetism and electricity are related, and how electricity can be converted into magnetism and vice versa.

From there, we were handed a worksheet that had to do with transformers and told to finish the worksheet that had seven questions that use the equation that deals with Electromotive Force or Voltage Potential Difference.

The potential date for the test is either Wednesday, if Ms. K believes we're ready, and if not, Thursday.

Next scribe for tomorrow will be Tony.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday, January 16 2009

Hello, no-one seemed to scribe for today so i guess i'll take the liberty of doing it, today in class we had a sub yet again, and we recieved so more sheets, as usual, and we then corrected Chapter 37: Electro magnetic induction and Chapter 25 Study Guide. Our Assignments/Homework for Monday is the Grade 12 physics worksheet on Electromagnetic Induction and finish the combination circuits sheet.

The answers for Chap. 25 and 37 are:
Chapter 25 Study Guide:

parallel to

perpendicular to

180 degrees

60 Hz
current voltage



less than
less than

Chapter 37: Electro Magnetic Induction Sheet:
1. related.
the motion of electric charges.
the motion of a magnet.
magnetic field in the loop.
electromagnetic induction.

2. doubles.

3. electric field.
magnetic field.
electromagnetic waves.

Thusday, January 15 2009

Hello Everybody,

Kamil reporting in, sorry for being a day late, its a long story.
On thursdays class we had a substitute, he gave us sudoku puzzles for an obscure reason, and said if we finished them we might get an A+ for the whole course, yeah and legless man can sprint. After words we recieved a combined circuits work sheet and a chapter 25 fill in the blanks sheet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A very Cold, Cold Day

Hello everyone, Rojuane here to scribe.
I almost forgot to scribe, but I remembered!

Today a good class. We basically went over the worksheets that were given a couple of days ago. The answers to the Compound Circuits are found on the blog just below my scribe. The Power in Electric Circuits worksheet with the 4 diagrams were assigned by groups to find the Current, Volt and Resistor. Then that's when the bell rang.

Here's stuff to know about a series circuit:
Current is constant throughout the entire circuit. For the individual potential drops add up to the total potential drop.

For a parallel circuit:
Individual currents add up to the total current. Potential difference is constant across all parts of the circuit.

Here are things to REMEMBER:
Test on Electric Current: Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
Physics Exam: January 26th, 2009 - AFTERNOON

Make sure to do your Physics Exam Review to do well on the exam and to refresh your memory!
Good Luck Everyone!

Last Blog! YAY! Sorry for the late blog!
Kamil, you're next.. so you better do it!
Off to bed for a very early doctor's appointment,
Goodnight! :)

Combination Circuits Worksheet

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For today's class, we did a lab on Parallel and Series Circuit. The lab can be found on the green text book page 479. The purpose of doing this particular lab is to be able to construct series, parallel and combination circuits. After doing the lab, we were given the rest of the period to either work on the two worksheets that were given the day before or work on the exam review.
And that was everything for today.
The next scribe is ROJUANE!

Monday, January 12, 2009

For today's class, we started off by watching a movie about Electric Current. We were to write 5 to 7 points about the movie. We then went over the questions from the green book that was assigned last Friday. Here are the answers:

1. a.) 25 ohms
b.) 2 A
c.) 40 V and 10 V
d.) 80 W and 20 W

2. 2 Watts each

3. a.) 60 ohms
b.) .2 A

4. a.) 60 ohms
b.) 6 V

5. a.) 1.5 A
b.) 30 ohms

13. 6V

14. a.) 8.9 ohms
b.) 4.5 A
c.) 2.5 A

We were also given a hand out about Series and Parallel Elements. It gave us all the information to be able to calculate any individual voltages and currents. Two other worksheets were also handed out, Chapter 35: Electric Circuits and 14.8 Power in Electric Circuits to give us some practice with Series and Parallel Elements. And that was everything for today.

And the next scribe is...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jan. 9, 2009 Physics

Friday's class consisted of a closer look at series and parallel circuits. Some examples of calculations include:

-Potential difference is found in the source of the circuit. Can be calculated, V = IR. In a series circuit, individual potential drops add up to the total potential drop. In a parallel circuit, it is constant across the whole circuit.

-In a series circuit, current is constant throughout the entire circuit. In parallel, individual currents are added to equal the total current.

-Resistance in a series circuit can be found by simply adding up all resistances within the circuit. However, in parallel, you must add the reciprocal of each resistor value and solve using the inverse of the total of all the resistance reciprocals.

-Power can be calculated, P = IV, in a series circuit. In parallel, it must be calculated using the formula P = V2/R.

We were also assigned questions 1-5, 13, and 14 on page 488 in the green textbook. The exam review has been handed out so start studying ;)

Christine scribes next.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday's Blog

Today in class we got a lot of work sheets to go crazy over. We also did some corrected so here we go..

We went over the Chapter 23 Study Guide we got the previous day:

(Click to enlarge)

Then we got 2 new worksheets to work on: 31 Circuit Symbols and 32 Circuits and Circuit Diagrams:

(Click to enlarge)

Afterward we got another worksheet: Simple Circuits. We went over question 1:

(Click to enlarge)

Annd that's it! Question 2 on that Simple Circuits worksheet is due for tomorrow.
The next scribe will be Dana.

Wednesday's Blog

HELLOOOOOO. This is the day where Ms. K wasn't here and we had a sub.

We went over the: Resistivity Problems we got on monday with her. Here are the answers:

(click to enlarge)

After that, we got the chapter 23 study guide that was due for thursday.
That's about all we did in class that day!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Last First Day Back for Winter DMCI

Today in class we got back our test that we did before the break some did excellent and some didn't do to well... We also corrected the test as well.

The Next thing that we got were some sheet that we read with the whole class it was about Conventional Currents. We also got another sheet on Conventional Currents again.

After that we got handouts and one of the handouts will be due tomorrow. OH no on Wednesday because we only have half day tomorrow.

Study Hard and keep doing your work.
Rguy out

ps. ERiC you still are the scribe